
The only Multi-Streaming Dashboard you’ll ever need

Information Editing

Single Window Chat

Youtube Compatibility

Twitch Compatibility

$ 5 Monthly
  • Youtube Connection
  • Twitch Connection
  • One Combined Chat Window
  • Moveable Panels

Streaming Intertwined

Streaming on Twitch and YouTube is effortless with Sterango. Our platform offers customizable panels that allow you to edit each stream’s information individually, ensuring your content is always up-to-date. Additionally, Sterango features an integrated chatbox that combines messages from both platforms, making it easier to engage with your audience seamlessly. Enjoy a streamlined streaming experience with Sterango!

With our drag-and-drop panels, you can fully customize the appearance of your dashboard. Each panel is adjustable and can be resized to suit your preferences. The panels are arranged on a flexible grid, allowing you to organize and resize them to create a layout that works best for you. Enjoy the freedom to design your dashboard just the way you like it!

Your Way